Which test do I need to take?

Need to figure out which test you need to take? Review the information below.

If you still have questions, feel free to contact us!

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I need placement into my first language course

Course placement in French, German, Hindi, Somali, Spanish, and Urdu

For French, German, Hindi, Somali, Spanish and Urdu: Depending on your language background, you may need to take both the EPT and the LPE for proper course placement. 

The Entrance Proficiency Test (EPT) places students into a second-year course (1002, 1003, 1004, or equivalent). 

  • If you have had three (3) or more years of high school language study, or one year of college language study, you should take the EPT.
  • If you have less than three years of high school study, or less than one year of college study, you should review course placement information for your language. 


The Language Proficiency Exam (LPE) places students into third-year courses (3000-level). 

  • If you have had five (5) or more years of intensive pre-university language study, or if you have completed a fourth-semester college language course, you should take the LPE. 
  • If you are unsure if you are prepared for the LPE, we suggest you start with the EPT. If you find the EPT extremely easy, then you should plan to take the LPE or contact us to discuss your situation. More information about what is on the LPE can be found on the LPE Test Content page.


Need course placement in a language not listed here?

For course placement in a UMN language that doesn't have an EPT: You should contact the appropriate language department and follow their course placement procedures. See Course Placement for Other Languages to learn more, including American Sign Language.

I want to take courses in a language I have never studied before

Language is offered at UMTC

You do not need to take a test. You may enroll in the first semester course (1001, 1011, or equivalent) without a placement test.

Language is not offered at UMTC

Interested in a language not taught at the University of Minnesota? Explore CourseShare! Contact [email protected] to get started.

I am taking or have taken a language course at U of M

You will take either the LPE Screening Test or the Language Proficiency Exam (LPE). The LPE Screening Test is only for students taking French, German or Spanish.

If you are enrolled in or have completed 1001, 1002, 1022, or 1003 and want to try to test out of your CLA Second Language Requirement before taking 1004, you must first pass the LPE Screening Test. If you pass the LPE Screening Test, you will be able to attempt the LPE one time. 

If you are enrolled in 1003, you can find information in your course syllabus about taking the LPE Screening Test. Your syllabus will also include information about taking the LPE during 1003, for students who have passed the LPE Screening Test. 

If you are enrolled in 1004, you will have information in your syllabus about taking the LPE at the end of 1004. If you earn a C- or better in 1004, you may attempt the LPE at a later time, or retake any failed sections of the LPE. If you do not earn a C- or better in 1004, you may not attempt or retake the LPE; instead, you will need to re-enroll in 1004 and earn a C- or better in 1004 in order to fulfill your CLA Second Language Requirement. 

Visit LPE Eligibility for more details.

I have a Minnesota Bilingual or Multilingual Seal or a World Certificate

The College of Liberal Arts (CLA) recognizes and celebrates proficiency in languages other than English, certified through Minnesota Bilingual and Multilingual Seals and World Language Proficiency Certificates. Students who have received a Seal or Certificate are eligible to take CLA's Language Proficiency Exam (LPE) to fulfill the CLA Second Language Requirement and for access to third-year language courses. Students with a Seal or Certificate do not need to take the Entrance Proficiency Test (EPT) unless they need placement into a second-year language course.

In cases where the language being certified with a Seal or Certificate does not have an LPE available, students will be directed to faculty on campus who teach that language for assessment or to an Individual Language Assessment (ILA) for languages not taught on campus.

Successful completion and passing of all sections in the LPE, faculty assessment, or Individual Language Assessment, will fulfill the CLA Second Language Requirement and will allow students to progress into higher level language major coursework.

I took College in the Schools (CIS) in high school

Spanish 1004 CIS

Students who took SPAN 1004 through College in the Schools need to complete the LPE Speaking Test. Please review the LPE Test Registration and Dates page to see when the speaking test will be offered.

French 1004 CIS

Student who took FREN 1004 through College in the Schools need to complete the LPE Writing and Speaking Tests, though it is not required. You may continue to advanced French classes (3000-level and higher) without completing the writing and speaking tests; however, it is recommended to earn the transcript line endorsing your proficiency in French. You can go ahead and register for the next course in the sequence and consider taking the LPE at a later date.

German 1004 CIS

Students who took GER 1004 through College in the Schools need to complete the LPE Reading and Listening Tests. Please review the LPE Test Registration and Dates page to see when the tests will be offered.

All CIS Students

Make sure your test scores from class were sent to the Language Testing Program. If you do not see results on the page, email us at [email protected] with your first and last name, your student ID number, your high school, and your high school teacher's name to help us locate your results.

View My Results

I took AP, IB, CLEP, and/or AAPPL in high school

The University of Minnesota Twin Cities does not grant automatic credit for these tests, regardless of the score(s). However, the College of Liberal Arts (CLA) does offer retroactive credits for prior language learning. After you have passed your first language course at U of M with a C- or better, you can apply through your CLA advisor for retroactive credits for the previous courses in the sequence, excluding 1001. There is no charge for retroactive credits. 

We administer two internal placement/proficiency tests: The Entrance Proficiency Test (EPT) for placement into second-year courses (second, third, or fourth semester course); and the Language Proficiency Exam (LPE) for placement into third year courses (3000-level and higher courses). The LPE fulfills the CLA Second Language Requirement, provides a transcript line endorsing your proficiency, and it also allows you to begin your coursework at the 3000-level if you wish to continue on. The AP, IB, CLEP and AAPPL tests are not a replacement for the LPE. 

The EPT can be taken from home. The LPE must be taken on the U of M campus.

I am an international student looking to enroll in English language courses

You should contact a representative in the Minnesota English Language Program (MELP) for information on course placement in English.