The Entrance Proficiency Test (EPT)

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Course Placement Information



There is no charge for the Entrance Proficiency Test (EPT).  


Take the EPT

There is no registration process for the EPT. You may take the EPT at any time, from any location. 

For French, German, and Spanish: You must take the EPT on a desktop or laptop. 

For Hindi, Somali and Urdu: You may take the EPT on any computer (desktop or laptop) or smartphone.

Note: You must have an active UMN internet ID to take the EPT, otherwise your results will not be recorded.

Take the EPT Online


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Do I need to take the EPT?

Yes - French, German, Hindi, Somali, Spanish or Urdu

To earn an undergraduate degree from the College of Liberal Arts, you are required to meet the college's second language requirement.  

The University offers placement testing (called the Entrance Proficiency/Placement Test or EPT) in six languages for students who wish to test into a course above the first semester (1001 or equivalent).

You only need to take the EPT if you plan on taking courses in the following languages: French, German, Hindi, Somali, Spanish or Urdu.

French, German, or Spanish: Take the EPT if you have studied the French, German, or Spanish for 3 or more years in high school or one year in college. 

Hindi, Somali, or Urdu: Incoming freshman and transfer students wanting to complete the language requirement in Hindi, Somali, or Urdu should take the EPT. For more information, read about course placement in the respective languages. 

No - Languages other than French, German, Hindi, Somali, Spanish, and Urdu

For course placement in a language other than French, German, Hindi, Somali, Spanish, and Urdu - You should contact the appropriate language department and follow their course placement procedures. See Course Placement for Other Languages to learn more, including American Sign Language.

I need a placement test for a language that is not listed on this page. How do I do this?

You should contact the appropriate language department and follow their course placement procedures. See Course Placement for Other Languages to learn more, including American Sign Language.

How do I find my EPT results?

To view your EPT results, click on the "Login" button on the EPT Home Website. Results will not be emailed to you.

If results show “Incomplete,” it is because one or more sections of the test have not been graded yet. Please check back later. 

Once you receive your results, you are not automatically registered for the course. You must go through the appropriate channels to register for the course you received placement in. If you had previously registered for the course, you do not need to register for the course again - you already have a seat in the course.

Note: EPT results do not appear on the student checklist (our website does not sync with the student checklist); however, your adviser will have access to your EPT results.

How do I take my test with accommodations?

The CLA Language Testing Program provides equal opportunities for all students to demonstrate proficiency in a second language, including students whose language is not taught on campus, and students with documented disabilities. Review information and procedures on the Test Accommodations page.

Can I use a test from high school or another university for language course placement?

No, tests from other institutions are not intended for language course placement at U of M. The only tests calibrated for language course placement at the University of Minnesota are the EPT for placement into second-year language courses (1003-1004), and the LPE for placement into third-year language courses (3000-level).

Can I take the EPT during orientation?

Ideally, you should complete the entire EPT online at least two weeks before coming to campus for orientation.

If you are unable to take the EPT before orientation, the Orientation Staff can direct you to a computer lab on campus where you can take the EPT. It is very important that you complete the EPT on the first day of your two-day freshman orientation. If you do not complete the EPT on your first day of orientation, there is no possibility for you to have results by the second day of orientation when you meet with your advisor to register for classes. You need to complete the EPT prior to registering for your first language course.

What if I can't finish the test by the deadline?

You may not register for a second-year language course (1003 or 1004 in French, German, or Spanish) or the accelerated course (SMLI 1225) without first passing the EPT. 

If you do not complete the EPT by the time you are scheduled to register for classes, your registration for a language course will be delayed.

I need assistance with the Mathematics and/or Chemistry placement tests.

The CLA Language Testing Program does not administer placement tests for Mathematics or Chemistry, and results of these tests are not posted on our website. Please contact the Office of Undergraduate Education at [email protected] for assistance.